AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-66, Happiness and peace
Dear Aamil
Happiness and Peace
Human needs the worldly materials along with his Sadhguru i.e. God, worldly goods along with his God and worldly materials along with his Allah. Human’s life is complete only if he is having happiness and peace along with happiness and comfort, otherwise Human’s life is incomplete. To achieve a complete life happiness and comfort along with happiness and peace, a person has to keep remembering any name of God along with balanced attitude, practice, prayer and effort along with remembrance. To get more information regarding this you can take guidance from my e-book ‘Human for Efforts’
1. Please visit my website for more information and beneficial result.
2. Please recommend my website to your friends, relatives and familiars for their benefits.
Thanks very much.
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