AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-18
Dear friends
Earth to Sky
The human who is already on earth but wants to go to sky. The human who is already on sky but came to earth due to some reasons but now he wants to go to sky again. These human will start moving upward to sky by doing practice of our book ‘Human for Efforts’ by doing work as per his/her balanced attitudinizes, exercise, prayer, efforts and remembrance in his/her life. Then human is for efforts and action and Almighty is for to give or not to give result. You can upload my E-book naming ‘Human for Efforts’ from my website to achieve this purpose. Thanking you.
1. Please visit my website for more information and beneficial result.
2. Please recommend my website to your friends, relatives and familiars for their benefit. Your this action will give me energy, courage and hope to write.
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