AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-14
Dear friends
Now we have prepared E-Book naming ‘Human for Efforts’ having sixteen prayers, one master prayer, one Time Table and first part of procedure of five parts of meditation with the help of our bitter-sweet experiences of my life and result of my practice for the achievement of targets of spiritual and worldly life and achievement of welfare, development, growth and high morale in their life for all the 800 crore (8 billion) human beings plus forthcoming humans in future without any prejudice of religion, caste, species, region, language, colour and gender for their welfare. This book will be released by us very shortly on our website You will get the E-Book by placing order on our website With regards.
1. Please visit my website for more information and beneficial result.
2. Please recommend my website to your friends and relatives for their benefit.
Thanks very much.
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