AM Post-48 Daily rule Dear Aamil Blessing Daily rule For this you have to form a group naming Aamil Mission of about (two or more than two human) from your relatives, friends,…
AM Post-48 Daily rule Dear Aamil Blessing Daily rule For this you have to form a group naming Aamil Mission of about (two or more than two human) from your relatives, friends,…
***SWAP-S543*** * Sunday’s Wish and Prayer * रविवारीय कामना एवं प्रार्थना * हम सदगुरु यानि भगवान यानि बुद्ध यानि गॉड यानि अल्लाह यानि परमात्मा के किसी अन्य नाम जो मुझ सहित हम सबमें…
AM Post-44 Spiritual and Worldly achievements Dear Aamil Blessing Spiritual and Worldly achievements There are 60 periods (one period is equal to 24 minutes) of 24 minutes in a day. Human should get…