AM Prayer-9 Remaining life Do this prayer as per suitable to your time for three times after an interval of six-six hours in a day. Just like at 08:00 am, 02:00…
AM Prayer-9 Remaining life Do this prayer as per suitable to your time for three times after an interval of six-six hours in a day. Just like at 08:00 am, 02:00…
Book-My Second Chance AM-LS Post-3 आमिल मिशन – लाइफ स्टाइल हमारे विचार से जो इन्सान अर्श से फ़र्श तक गिरता जाता है, उसका वह स्वयं ही कारण, जिम्मेदार और समाधान है। हमारी यह…
AM Prayer-14 Now after taking dinner and retiring from night work then do this fourteenth prayer while sleeping in the night after washing your hand and mouth. Mere Sadhguru Paramatma Sachsung Sadhguru Om Firstly recite…