AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-58
When you start your breakfast, lunch and dinner then you make a prayer that the eight hundred crore people of the world plus the people coming to the world and minus the people going from the world, get nutritious and filling breakfast, lunch and dinner all three times a day. Everyone get neat and clean clothes to wear. Everyone should get neat and clean houses to live in. Everyone should have enough money to meet their both ends to meet. To achieve this, everyone should have the wisdom to do with balanced attitude, practice, prayer and efforts along with remembrance of Sadhguru i.e. God. This prayer must be done, because human can only pray. Whether to give results or not is in the hands of Sadhguru i.e. God.
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