AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-49
Dear Aamil
The whole game is about concentration. In whatever form, formless, object and creature you will pray with concentration considering Sadhguru i.e. God, then Sadhguru i.e. God will listen to your prayer in that form and give results. Whatever corporeal form, formless, thing and creature you meditate upon considering yourself as the Sadhguru i.e. God, then the Sadhguru i.e. God will give you the feeling of His existence because of living within you in that form. You will be given result for your prayers and your meditation, you will get it hundred percent. There should only be truth and welfare in your prayers and meditation. Whatever inventions have been made in science and whatever creation has been made in knowledge in this world has happened because of concentration.
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