AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-46
Blind faith
Our mission has no belief in blind faith in question-answer, protect-thread, exorcism and sorcery-tricks etc. If you have faith, then out of sixty periods (one period = to 24 minutes) of the day, spend four periods for Sadhguru i.e. God, twenty periods for education or employment and the remaining thirty-six periods is for other daily routine tasks like sleep, diet, walking, exercise entertainment, public service, etc. Due to this, every person keeps achieving the goals of his spiritual and worldly life by becoming Sadguru i.e. God’s medium i.e. instrument and steward through method, successful and balanced attitude, practice, prayer, remembrance and efforts
1. Please visit my website for more information and beneficial result.
2. Please recommend my website to your friends, relatives and familiars for their benefits
Thanks very much.
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