AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-30
Sadhguru i.e God i.e. Divine is unborn, immortal, eternal, holy, omnipresent, almighty, merciful, donor, judicial, solver, result provider and infinite. Nobody had seen Him in the past, nobody have seen Him in present and nobody will see Him in future. Someone had realized Him in the past, someone is realizing Him in the present and someone will realize Him in the future but someone had seen Him, have seen Him and see Him. One can feel Him for a few seconds or a few minutes or a few hours but cannot see Him. Some one gets Ashta Siddhiyas or Nava Niddhiyas that means they get the power to perform miracles. Some one start realizing that they are Sadguru i.e.God i.e. Divine. This is cent percent and hundred percent true. This is the fruit of practice, prayer, effort as well as remembrance and that is his/her luck.
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