AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Post-16
Dear friends
Note: This time-table is for a human who is having a sufficient currency, sufficient income of interest, rent and contract etc. or the human who do not need currency or income for his/her livelihood of himself and his/her family and always lives on charity.
Time Table
We have written the Time Table with the help of our bitter-sweet experiences of our life and result of my practice for the achievement of targets of spiritual and worldly life and achievement of welfare, development, growth and high morale in their life for all the 800 crore (8 billion) human beings plus forthcoming humans in future without any prejudice of religion, caste, species, region, language, colour and gender for their welfare. Every human being has been given 24 hours or 1440 minutes or 86400 seconds daily by Sadhguru i.e. Bhagwan i.e. Budh i.e. God i.e. Allah without any prejudice of religion, caste, species, region, language, colour and gender to achieve the targets of their spiritual and worldly life by doing work as per his/her balanced attitudinizes, exercise, prayer, efforts and remembrance in his/her life. The human must make the time table of his/her daily life for achieving the targets of his/her life.
b. Specimen of time table of 24 hours according to his/her conditions, circumstances, needs and nature of work but every human can adjust his/her time table according to his/her conditions, circumstances, needs and nature of work.
A.Rest and sleep 8 hours
B.Doing daily routine 2 hours
C.Walking and exercise 1 hour
D.Exercise i.e. Meditation and prayer 6 hours
(Both morning and evening)
E.Food and water 2 hour
F.Work or study 2.5 hours
G.Entertainment and service 1.5 hours
Note: This time-table is for a human who is having a sufficient currency, sufficient income of interest, rent and contract etc. or the human who do not need currency or income for his/her livelihood of himself and his/her family and always lives on charity.
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