AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
AM Prayer-5
When you get up early in the morning then do this fifth prayer after doing daily routine.
Note: Reciting ‘Sadhguru Om’ and doing Prana yam then do eleven Prana yam of the word ‘Sadhguru’
Mere Sadhguru Paramatma
Your mercy deeds and clemency grace I talk and behave with all human beings after seeing, knowing and recognizing you in them. I get whichever the result, I reciprocate my proper possible reaction. But in the end I accept that result as your gift. I am satisfied and happy with that result and live my life contently and peacefully in the present moment of present tense of time circle. I am only at your asylum.
Note: After reciting ‘Sadhguru Om’ and doing pranayam then do eleven pranayam of the word ‘Sadhguru’
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