AM Prayer-Obeisance
Comments 284 2022/01/17AM Prayer Obeisance When you get up early in the morning…
When you get up early in the morning then do this fourth prayer after doing daily routine.
Note: Reciting ‘Sadhguru Om’ and doing Prana yam then do eleven Pranayam of the word ‘Sadhguru’
Mere Sadhguru Paramatma
I gratitude trillion times to you for giving me today to achieve my targets i.e. purpose of my spiritual and worldly life by doing action according to time-table, method, successfully and balanced attitude, practice, prayer and efforts including remembrance as per your medium i.e. cause of you. For this I am thankful and grateful to you. After getting time and opportunity from balanced attitude, practice, prayer and efforts I do Prana yam after reciting ‘Sadhguru Om’. After reciting ‘Sadhguru Om’ and focusing on you and on your character and concentrating my mind on you and remembering the name ‘Sadhguru’ given by you patiently, pleasurably and carefully. After inhaling I am focusing on you and on your character and concentrating my mind on you and remembering the name ‘Sadhguru’ given by you patiently, pleasurably and carefully. After one moment while exhaling I am focusing on you and on your character and concentrating my mind on you and remembering the name ‘Sadhguru’ given by you patiently, pleasurably and carefully. After repeating this procedure with body, senses, breath, mind and brain as a medium I am doing monolithic remembrance of your name ‘Sadhguru’ forever and ever as for as possible. As a result my existence is only with you and mine.
Note: After reciting ‘Sadhguru Om’ and doing Pranayam then do eleven Pranayam of the word ‘Sadhguru’
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